Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Dharamsala. (Day 4 and last day of the conference)

Today is my great day. I am the first one to present and I have notified my family to be awake at 5:30 AM and watch the live stream.

I take a Rickshaw and arrive well in time. One has to be aware that the Rickshaws and taxis can only go as far as the gate. It is still a steep walkup to reach the auditorium.

My presentation is well received and a lively discussion follows. Many administrations have not provided license-free spectrum. It shows that the organization faces a task for lobbying. It gives food for thought for our Community networks research.

I receive an invitation to meet the Indian regulators before I leave, but I decline. It is not wise to come unprepared to an official body.




At the end of the day the Director of the TCV closes the meeting. All people that deserve a thank you are honored the Tibetan way. He presents a Khata, a silk shawl with 8 astamangala's or happiness symbols.

The second picture, with Malcolm Matson, is taken by one of the TCV children. They are always around and try some English words or are very interested in the laptop and camera's

But that is not the real end. A minority group will sing and dance for us. They wear beautiful costumes. A video shows their dance.

Now it is the objective to get the audience dancing too. Here is the result, taken while I dance.