Thursday, October 26, 2006, Dharamsala. (Day 1 of the workshops)

I walk to the auditorium, using the short-cut. When I pass the now completely deserted gutter I had to take on Monday, I take this picture.

The day starts with a meeting in the auditorium to discuss the format of the workshops.

They have planned 2 tracks, one on the economic issues around community networks and the other on all technical issues. Some persons want to visit both, so Sebastian is trying to see if the format can be changed to accommodate the request.

After one hour the conclusion is to stick to the published workshop.

To learn about the economic part, I decide to follow that track.

Thinlay has followed with me the meeting. After closure we walk around the premises to see where the workshops will be held. The buildings are build on the hills. Many staircases connect the various streets and one has easily to climb or to descend 5 floors worth of height. With the lower air density, I have to stop and catch some breath half way.  
After lunch Thinlay and myself have ample time to watch the DVD of the University of Utrecht that gives a good impression of where we live.  
The workshop is followed by 7 people plus Thinlay and is very promising.  

After the workshop Thinlay and I take a Rickshaw to McLeod Ganj. Just before the end, traffic comes to a complete stop. Two busses in opposite direction can not pass each other on the road, wide enough for one bus and a pedestrian. The space behind the two buses quickly fills. We decide to walk further.

We take a dinner at my hotel and quite in time we go to the bus stop A cousin of Thinlay has brought his bag. We waive each other good-bye. The traffic jam has been solved in a for me mysterious way.....